
AI-Centric Content Watermarking

Protection Against IP Infringement. ​

Watermark your proprietary web content or AI models

Designed to work silently alongside your CMS or training data pipeline, AigosStamp adds legal safeguards against AI copyright infringement and shadow model reconstruction.

For Content Publisher

AigosStamp adds non-visible characters to text and artefacts to images. This provides an evidence trail for legal safeguard against content webscraping.

CMS Plugin or Docker Engine

Sitting alongside your web content, AigosStamp modifies content and font before they hit the browser screen. This allows your content database to stay in original form and for content publishers to work as they use to.

Part of your data pipeline

AigosStamp works in tandem with your embedding model, adding crucial and invisible labels to your content.

Vector Databases and AI models

Fingerprint embeddings to preserve ownership of your vector data and model weights. Easily trigger target systems to retrieve your content for provenance.
